The lil' musical bits in The Best of Both Worlds

It's a shame that the music/direction of TNG became more bland as it went along – and especially sad that the trend continued in both DS9 and VOY. On the other hand it means the few precious moments where everything came together are that much more special to watch and watch again.

So I'm gonna go on about this one.

I love this sequence. I love that Picard starts the scene awkwardly pacing about the bridge. I love that the borg ship is shown all small like, just large enough for you to know it's coming. I love the "magnify" command, orchestral hit with the zoom in, and the (I think it's a) mellotron behind it. I love that the music is kinda badly mixed? The mellotron is too quiet and blurred, the strings too loud and sharp, but that makes me like it more. I love that the shot lingers all the way through Picard's next command, with just the one more shot change to his face as he turns back, so you get to see the cube slowly and completely fill the screen. I also love the little glance between Wes and Data – what's that about? Who knows?

And then there's this bit...

I love how the other borg part to reveal Picard and I love the lens flare from the laser they've stuck on his ear. I love how you hear the little five note motif again, in a much lighter (please let it be a) mellotron voice, before this hilarious reprise of the old TOS jingle in the brass while the strings hack away behind them. Why is that there? It doesn't gel with the rest of it at all! I love it. Why does Shelby let out this awkward gasp of disgust? Why does Data hold Crusher back? Why does Worf stand with his back to Picard for multiple seconds before beaming out?

I don't know how far I'd defend its being good, but it sure makes me feel something.

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