Man fuck this guy

Vice Admiral J.P. Hanson and his smug git grin

This man rocks up and dumps Shelby on the Enterprise, praises her work, drops some weird creepy line about fancying her, then buggers off.

Then Picard's captured and all his Starfleet knowledge is property of Borg. Shelby warns Hanson about this and Hanson... goes off on one about how Picard ran a marathon that one time and therefore she's wrong? And no one calls him out on this?

I kinda get why Sisko "blamed Picard" for what happened – the writers wanted to thematically separate DS9 from TNG early so they put Sisko at odds with Picard and used Picard as the shorthand for everything 'wrong' with Starfleet. But in universe it doesn't really make sense to me – it's Hanson's fault and he should've been chucked under the bus for it.

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